

A Reader’s Guide to Anglo-American Poetry












「什麼是詩? 它有什麼魔力?給詩下過定義的人不少。讓人滿意的卻一個也沒有。」

「詩就是詩人的作品」─Robert Frost

本書收錄英美經典名詩68首,依體裁編為九章:歌謠(Ballads and Songs)、修辭(Rhetoric)、十四行詩(Sonnets)、箴言詩(Epigrams)、十九行二韻詩(Villanelle)、六六行詩(Sestina)、頌歌(Odes)、英雄傳奇與童話故事(Legends and Fairy Tales)、現代詩(Modern Poetry)。











原名張振翱,當代名詩人,客籍惠陽人。台灣國立政治大學西語系學士,美國楊百翰大學英文系碩士,西雅圖華盛頓大學比較文學博士。現任美國南加州大學(University of Southern California)東亞系、比較文學系教授,以及台北醫學大學特聘人文藝術講座教授。




第一章??? 歌謠 (Ballads and Songs)

1.??? Anonymous / Edward, Edward 愛德華,愛德華 /020

2.??? Anonymous / Lord Randal 蘭道爾主公 / 024

3.??? Anonymous / The Twa Corbis 兩隻烏鴉 / 039

4.??? Anonymous / The Three Ravens 三隻烏鴉 / 042

5.??? Dudley Randall / Ballad of Birmingham 伯明罕歌謠 / 047

6.??? Anonymous / Barbara Allen 芭芭拉?艾倫 / 052

7.??? Anonymous / Black is the Color 其色黝黑 / 059

8.??? Edgar Allan Poe / Annabel Lee 安娜貝?李 / 065

9.??? Anonymous / Kemp Owyne 奧溫武士 / 076

10.??? Edwin Arlington Robinson / Richard Cory 理查?柯里 / 093

11.??? W. H. Auden / Funeral Blues 葬禮藍調 / 099

第二章??? 修辭 (Rhetoric)

12.??? Edwin Arlington Robinson / Luke Havergal 盧黑威格 / 104

13.??? Sylvia Plath / Metaphors 隱喻 / 110

14.??? William Butler Yeats / Leda and Swan 麗達與天鵝 / 112

15.??? William Blake / The Sick Rose 病玫瑰 / 115

16.??? Robert Frost / The Rose Family 玫瑰家庭 / 118

17.??? Alfred Tennyson / The Eagle 蒼鷹 / 122

18.??? Carl Sandburg / Fog 霧 / 124

19.??? Walter de la Mare / The Horseman 騎士 /126

20.??? Herman Melville / The Tuft of Kelp 一束海藻 / 128

21.??? Orlando Gibbons / The Silver Swan 銀天鵝 /130

22.??? Emily Dickinson / Presentiment is that lang shadow on the lawn 預兆是草坪上那道長長陰影?? 133

23.??? Emily Dickinson / My life closed twice before its close 我生命結束前曾閤上兩次 / 135

24.??? W. H. Auden / The Unknown Citizen 無名市民 / 137

25.??? Robert Browning / My Last Duchess 前公爵夫人/141

26.??? Robert Frost /“Out, Out—” 熄了,熄了 / 148

27.??? Christopher Marlowe / The Face that Launch’d a Thousand Ships 讓千艘戰船遠航的臉(取自《浮士德博士》)(from The Tragic History of? Doctor Faustus) / 153

28.??? Edgar Allan Poe / To Helen 致海倫 / 157

29.??? William Butler Yeats / No Second Troy 不要再次特洛伊 / 160

30.??? Robinson Jeffers / Hands 手掌 / 163

31.??? T. S. Eliot / The Boston Evening Transcript 波士頓晚報 / 166

32.??? Robert Creeley / Oh No 噢,不 / 169

第三章??? 十四行詩 (Sonnets)

33.??? John Keats / On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer 初讀查普曼翻譯荷馬 / 174

34.??? William Shakespeare / That time of year thou mayst in me behold 在那時節你將見我 / 177

35.??? William Shakespeare / If I profane with my unworthiest hand 假若我用卑微的手(取自《羅密歐與茱麗葉》)(from Romeo and Juliet) / 180

36.??? William Shakespeare / O how much more doth beauty beauteous seem 啊!美看來會美上多少倍 / 184

37.??? William Shakespeare / Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? 我應否把妳比擬作夏日? / 187

38.??? Howard Moss / Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day? 我應否把妳比擬作夏日? / 190

39.??? William Shakespeare / Let me not to the marriage of true minds 我絕不接受兩人真心真意結合 / 193

40.??? Edna St. Vincent Millay / What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why 我在哪兒吻過哪些唇,及為何? / 196

41.??? Robert Frost / Acquainted with the Night 熟悉夜晚 / 199

42.??? Robert Frost / The Silken Tent 絲織帳篷 / 202

43.??? John Crowe Ransom / Piazza Piece 露台小品 / 205

第四章??? 箴言詩 (Epigrams)

44.??? Alexander Pope / Epigram Engraved on the Collar of a Dog Which I Gave to His Royal Highness 呈交皇上狗項鍊上刻的箴言 / 212

45.??? Sir John Harrington / Of Treason 論叛國 / 213

46.??? E. E. Cummings / A politician 政客 / 215

47.??? Anonymous / Epitaph on a Dentist 某牙醫墓誌銘(附譯 Edgar Lee Masters《匙河詩選》(Spoon River Anthology)四首) / 216

48.??? John Dryden / Epitaph on His Wife 某人太太墓誌銘 / 223

49.??? Robert Frost / The Secret Sits 祕密坐著 / 224

50.??? A. R. Ammons / Coward 膽小鬼 / 226

第五章??? 十九行二韻詩 (Villanelle)

51.??? Dylan Thomas / Do not go gentle into that good night 不要溫柔走入那良夜 / 228

52.??? Sylvia Plath / Mad Girl’s Love Song 瘋女孩情歌 / 232

53.??? Theodore Roethke / The Waking 醒來 / 236

54.??? Elizabeth Bishop / One Art 一種藝術 / 240

55.??? W. H. Auden / If I Could Tell You 若我能告訴你 / 243

第六章??? 六六行詩 (Sestina)

56.??? Elizabeth Bishop / Sestina 六六行詩 / 248

第七章??? 頌歌 (Odes)

57.??? John Keats / Ode on a Grecian Urn 希臘古甕頌 / 256

58.??? Allen Tate / Ode to the Confederate Dead 南方邦聯死難頌 / 263

第八章??? 英雄傳奇與童話故事 (Legends and Fairy Tales)

59.??? Alfred Tennyson / Ulysses 尤里西斯 / 276

60.??? Alfred Tennyson / The Lotos-Eaters 食蓮族 / 284

61.??? Samuel Taylor Coleridge / Kubla Khan 忽必烈汗 / 290

62.??? Wallace Stevens / Peter Quince at the Clavier 彼得昆斯彈鍵琴 / 299

63.??? Anne Sexton / Cinderella 灰姑娘 / 308

第九章??? 現代詩 (Modern Poetry)

64.??? Edith Sitwell / Still Falls the Rain 雨仍落著 (The Raids, 1940, Night and Dawn) / 320

65.??? Robinson Jeffers / Hurt Hawks 傷鷹 / 327

66.??? Carolyn Kizer / Summer near the River themes from the Tzu Yeh and the Book of Songs 夏日河畔 / 332

67.??? Carolyn Kizer / Hiding Our Love 隱情 / 338

68.??? E. E. Cummings / Anyone lived in a pretty how town

誰都住過一個不錯小鎮 / 341

後記:持人情性?藉詩言志 / 347

詩人簡介 (Biographical Sketches) / 355

索引 I (Index of Authors and Titles) / 369

索引 II(Index of Terms) /373


  • 【詩人╱私人.讀詩】楊佳嫻|心事未敢透明:讀張錯





「什麼是詩? 它有什麼魔力?給詩下過定義的人不少。讓人滿意的卻一個也沒有。」

「詩就是詩人的作品」─Robert Frost

本書收錄英美經典名詩68首,依體裁編為九章:歌謠(Ballads and Songs)、修辭(Rhetoric)、十四行詩(Sonnets)、箴言詩(Epigrams)、十九行二韻詩(Villanelle)、六六行詩(Sestina)、頌歌(Odes)、英雄傳奇與童話故事(Legends and Fairy Tales)、現代詩(Modern Poetry)。











原名張振翱,當代名詩人,客籍惠陽人。台灣國立政治大學西語系學士,美國楊百翰大學英文系碩士,西雅圖華盛頓大學比較文學博士。現任美國南加州大學(University of Southern California)東亞系、比較文學系教授,以及台北醫學大學特聘人文藝術講座教授。




第一章??? 歌謠 (Ballads and Songs)

1.??? Anonymous / Edward, Edward 愛德華,愛德華 /020

2.??? Anonymous / Lord Randal 蘭道爾主公 / 024

3.??? Anonymous / The Twa Corbis 兩隻烏鴉 / 039

4.??? Anonymous / The Three Ravens 三隻烏鴉 / 042

5.??? Dudley Randall / Ballad of Birmingham 伯明罕歌謠 / 047

6.??? Anonymous / Barbara Allen 芭芭拉?艾倫 / 052

7.??? Anonymous / Black is the Color 其色黝黑 / 059

8.??? Edgar Allan Poe / Annabel Lee 安娜貝?李 / 065

9.??? Anonymous / Kemp Owyne 奧溫武士 / 076

10.??? Edwin Arlington Robinson / Richard Cory 理查?柯里 / 093

11.??? W. H. Auden / Funeral Blues 葬禮藍調 / 099

第二章??? 修辭 (Rhetoric)

12.??? Edwin Arlington Robinson / Luke Havergal 盧黑威格 / 104

13.??? Sylvia Plath / Metaphors 隱喻 / 110

14.??? William Butler Yeats / Leda and Swan 麗達與天鵝 / 112

15.??? William Blake / The Sick Rose 病玫瑰 / 115

16.??? Robert Frost / The Rose Family 玫瑰家庭 / 118

17.??? Alfred Tennyson / The Eagle 蒼鷹 / 122

18.??? Carl Sandburg / Fog 霧 / 124

19.??? Walter de la Mare / The Horseman 騎士 /126

20.??? Herman Melville / The Tuft of Kelp 一束海藻 / 128

21.??? Orlando Gibbons / The Silver Swan 銀天鵝 /130

22.??? Emily Dickinson / Presentiment is that lang shadow on the lawn 預兆是草坪上那道長長陰影?? 133

23.??? Emily Dickinson / My life closed twice before its close 我生命結束前曾閤上兩次 / 135

24.??? W. H. Auden / The Unknown Citizen 無名市民 / 137

25.??? Robert Browning / My Last Duchess 前公爵夫人/141

26.??? Robert Frost /“Out, Out—” 熄了,熄了 / 148

27.??? Christopher Marlowe / The Face that Launch’d a Thousand Ships 讓千艘戰船遠航的臉(取自《浮士德博士》)(from The Tragic History of? Doctor Faustus) / 153

28.??? Edgar Allan Poe / To Helen 致海倫 / 157

29.??? William Butler Yeats / No Second Troy 不要再次特洛伊 / 160

30.??? Robinson Jeffers / Hands 手掌 / 163

31.??? T. S. Eliot / The Boston Evening Transcript 波士頓晚報 / 166

32.??? Robert Creeley / Oh No 噢,不 / 169

第三章??? 十四行詩 (Sonnets)

33.??? John Keats / On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer 初讀查普曼翻譯荷馬 / 174

34.??? William Shakespeare / That time of year thou mayst in me behold 在那時節你將見我 / 177

35.??? William Shakespeare / If I profane with my unworthiest hand 假若我用卑微的手(取自《羅密歐與茱麗葉》)(from Romeo and Juliet) / 180

36.??? William Shakespeare / O how much more doth beauty beauteous seem 啊!美看來會美上多少倍 / 184

37.??? William Shakespeare / Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? 我應否把妳比擬作夏日? / 187

38.??? Howard Moss / Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day? 我應否把妳比擬作夏日? / 190

39.??? William Shakespeare / Let me not to the marriage of true minds 我絕不接受兩人真心真意結合 / 193

40.??? Edna St. Vincent Millay / What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why 我在哪兒吻過哪些唇,及為何? / 196

41.??? Robert Frost / Acquainted with the Night 熟悉夜晚 / 199

42.??? Robert Frost / The Silken Tent 絲織帳篷 / 202

43.??? John Crowe Ransom / Piazza Piece 露台小品 / 205

第四章??? 箴言詩 (Epigrams)

44.??? Alexander Pope / Epigram Engraved on the Collar of a Dog Which I Gave to His Royal Highness 呈交皇上狗項鍊上刻的箴言 / 212

45.??? Sir John Harrington / Of Treason 論叛國 / 213

46.??? E. E. Cummings / A politician 政客 / 215

47.??? Anonymous / Epitaph on a Dentist 某牙醫墓誌銘(附譯 Edgar Lee Masters《匙河詩選》(Spoon River Anthology)四首) / 216

48.??? John Dryden / Epitaph on His Wife 某人太太墓誌銘 / 223

49.??? Robert Frost / The Secret Sits 祕密坐著 / 224

50.??? A. R. Ammons / Coward 膽小鬼 / 226

第五章??? 十九行二韻詩 (Villanelle)

51.??? Dylan Thomas / Do not go gentle into that good night 不要溫柔走入那良夜 / 228

52.??? Sylvia Plath / Mad Girl’s Love Song 瘋女孩情歌 / 232

53.??? Theodore Roethke / The Waking 醒來 / 236

54.??? Elizabeth Bishop / One Art 一種藝術 / 240

55.??? W. H. Auden / If I Could Tell You 若我能告訴你 / 243

第六章??? 六六行詩 (Sestina)

56.??? Elizabeth Bishop / Sestina 六六行詩 / 248

第七章??? 頌歌 (Odes)

57.??? John Keats / Ode on a Grecian Urn 希臘古甕頌 / 256

58.??? Allen Tate / Ode to the Confederate Dead 南方邦聯死難頌 / 263

第八章??? 英雄傳奇與童話故事 (Legends and Fairy Tales)

59.??? Alfred Tennyson / Ulysses 尤里西斯 / 276

60.??? Alfred Tennyson / The Lotos-Eaters 食蓮族 / 284

61.??? Samuel Taylor Coleridge / Kubla Khan 忽必烈汗 / 290

62.??? Wallace Stevens / Peter Quince at the Clavier 彼得昆斯彈鍵琴 / 299

63.??? Anne Sexton / Cinderella 灰姑娘 / 308

第九章??? 現代詩 (Modern Poetry)

64.??? Edith Sitwell / Still Falls the Rain 雨仍落著 (The Raids, 1940, Night and Dawn) / 320

65.??? Robinson Jeffers / Hurt Hawks 傷鷹 / 327

66.??? Carolyn Kizer / Summer near the River themes from the Tzu Yeh and the Book of Songs 夏日河畔 / 332

67.??? Carolyn Kizer / Hiding Our Love 隱情 / 338

68.??? E. E. Cummings / Anyone lived in a pretty how town

誰都住過一個不錯小鎮 / 341

後記:持人情性?藉詩言志 / 347

詩人簡介 (Biographical Sketches) / 355

索引 I (Index of Authors and Titles) / 369

索引 II(Index of Terms) /373


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